www.fda.gov (U.S. Food and Drug Administration)
www.ema.europa.eu (European Medicines Agency)
www.ich.org (International Conference on Harmonization)
www.iso.org (International Organization for Standardization)
www.celltherapy.org (International Society for Cellular Therapy)
www.asgct.org (American Society of Gene and Cell Therapy)
www.esgct.eu (European Society of Gene and Cell Therapy)
www.iscgt.net (International Society for Cell and Gene Therapy of Cancer)
www.isscr.org (International Society for Stem Cell Research)
www.aabb.org (American Association of Blood Banks)
www.aatb.org (American Association of Tissue Banks)
www.factwebsite.org (Foundation for the Accreditation of Cellular Therapy)
www.pda.org (Parenteral Drug Asociation)
www.asscr.org (Australasian Society for Stem Cell Research)
www.cirm.ca.gov (California Institute for Regenerative Medicine)